Kappa Kamp is conceived as a summer enrichment camp providing students, ages 12-16, with the opportunity to acquire productive life-skills through intensive workshops and learning through structured play activities. Students may choose from a number of enrichment camps and classes, as well as attend a variety of cultural and recreational activities, field trips, and educational lectures. Work, fun, and more, all take place within a safe, professionally designed and supervised setting.
Kappa Kamp was developed out of a desire of members of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc., to expose young people to The Piney Woods School experience of “educating the Head, Heart, and Hands” of children.
During a two-week enrichment period, students are engaged in classroom learning, a variety of simulated laboratories employing the use of technology, field trips, and physical activities to emphasize that a well-rounded student has a better chance of becoming a more sophisticated adult who can then be a productive leader in their respective communities.
What: Kappa Kamp When: June/July Timeframe Where: Paul Quinn College (3837 Simpson Stuart Rd Dallas, Texas 75241)